She Can. She Did.

Episode 12 - We can. We Will. with Anna Ward, Co-Founder of CAKE DROP



I've had a few messages since this series started from those of you who physically aren't able to access your business at present. Be it that you own a salon or a restaurant or a spa that's been forced to close, sometimes it really isn't as simple as, 'just focus on your digital offering' when your company's existence relies solely on engaging with the public face-to-face.With that in mind, given that I've watched in awe on social media at how today's guest has handled the past few weeks, I spoke to a Founder who can wholeheartedly relate. As the Co-Founder of Cake Drop - the company that delivers the yummiest cakes from London's best independent bakeries direct to London offices in zone 1 and 2 - Anna Ward has had to have some seriously tough conversations in recent weeks given that her business up until early March, thrived on office culture.With no choice but to re-evaluate Cake Drop's entire business model since the UK went into lockdown, this is an insight into how the past few weeks have played out for