She Can. She Did.

Episode 17 - We can. We will. with Elizabeth Stiles, Fashion Brand Consultant



Today's episode features the story of a lady that I've had the pleasure of getting to know at a good few of The Midweek Mingles now (plus a fair few coffee catch ups since launching She can. She did. too), who has in recent weeks, since the UK went into lockdown, launched a now sold-out course for anyone looking to launch the fashion brand that they've been dreaming about but never felt like they had the time.The lady in question, of course, being Elizabeth Stiles - the Bedfordshire-based, fashion brand consultant with over 12 years experience in fashion buying and design management who helps purpose-driven designers and fashion brands become financially sustainable fashion businesses.From how she responded quickly to the lockdown and launched the course in a timely manner given that her target audience were sat at home with new-found time on their hands; how she approached selling and marketing sensitively during this time (given that there's so much conflicting noise about what's "right" and "wrong" be