She Can. She Did.

Episode 1 - with Anisha Parmar, Founder of Anisha Parmar London



I'd say series 4 is back with a bang ladies but let's face it, series 3 only wrapped up a month ago... I think we all know that might sound a tad OTT! Instead, I'll say that I love recording these interviews too much to wait months on end for a dramatic return so here we are, primed and ready to go with an episode that will go down as one of my favourites to date!To kick series four off, I had a chat with the vivacious and incredibly talented woman that is Anisha Parmar, Founder of her self-titled jewellery brand, Anisha Parmar London. Personally hand made by Anisha from her studio that is now in Derby, Anisha Parmar London celebrates Anisha's British Asian heritage through a number of bold, intricate and authentic designs.Recorded on Saturday morning, this is the story that Anisha has been on behind the scenes over the past five years and how she's navigated stepping away from a career path that as a first generation British-born Asian, in her own words, "was expected of her", to create a brand and business