She Can. She Did.

Episode 12 - Chloe Williams, Founder, Stories By Chloe



This week, I got to chat to a lady that has played a huge part in She can. She did.'s story to date because she happens to have photographed every single one of the twenty She can. She did. - Midweek Mingles since they launched in 2018... and has done a bloody good job doing so too!I first came Chloe in early 2018 when an email popped into my inbox ahead of the very first Midweek Mingle, enquiring about whether I was looking for a photographer for said Mingle and if so, would I be interested in letting her capture the event? We had a chat, I said "yes", she turned up with her tripod and the rest is history!Recorded via Zoom a few weeks back, we covered everything from the early days of Stories By Chloe when she 'fluffed out the truth' somewhat and offered photography for free to build a portfolio that went on to attract her dream clients; her advice for any service-based business owner struggling for work; how she's learnt to combat the loneliness en route by finding her tribe along the way (her Bridesmaids a