Voice Of The Utrecht Young Academy

R2OS - A Seat at the Table for Early Career Researchers, with Charisma Hehakaya



The recognition and reward discussion surged during the summer. Charisma Hehakaya (PhD candidate at the UMC) had co-authored a opinion piece about including early career academics, because the decisions affect them the most. She talks with us about the background of this discussion and why she is active in the Young Science In Transition. Show notes: Article of Charisma and Sander Bosch: https://www.scienceguide.nl/2021/06/jonge-wetenschappers-worden-soms-nog-vergeten-in-erkennen-en-waarderen/ Letter with 171 signatures: https://www.scienceguide.nl/2021/07/nieuwe-erkennen-en-waarderen-schaadt-nederlandse-wetenschap/ Response 1 to that letter: https://recognitionrewards.nl/2021/08/03/waarom-het-nieuwe-erkennen-en-waarderen-juist-excellent-onderzoek-bevordert/ Response 2 to that letter: https://www.scienceguide.nl/2021/07/we-moeten-af-van-telzucht-in-de-wetenschap/ Inadequacy of bibliographic metrics: https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/reliability-of-researcher-metric-the-h-index-is-in-decline/4014025.article