Enjoy The Journey- The Aureus Financial Podcast

Jamie Meyer - The Secrets To Creating A Purpose Driven Business



In this episode, we interview Jamie Meyer of Nine Carat Business Consulting. She shares her experience in working with running businesses, leveraging them, redesigning them, integrating them, maintaining them, and growing them. She also shares the secrets to creating a purpose-driven business.    Jamie thrives on helping organisations and people find satisfying, purposeful ways of living while unearthing their ultimate level of potential.    If you're interested in getting in touch with Jami, please visit her website at https://www.ninecarat.net/   P.S Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you create more cash flow, more wealth and more time:   Get the 60-minute crash course In our FREE Facebook Community, we have an on-ramp program that will help you map out your goals, review your foundations, get some quick runs on the board and get you excited again about your life and business. If you want to learn more, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/thewealthmentorcommunity/   Join our Your Lifest