Your Mileage May Vary

Sex Spitoons, People Tasting Semen (Again), Arousal Smell, How Keith Masturbates



Attention: This is not a podcast about Kim Kardashian, what someone just posted on Tik Tok, what clothes you should buy or what weed you should smoke, because all of those topics are stupid. This is a podcast about sex, some of it hard core. Because that's what's interesting. Some people want us to signpost up front that the podcast is "very honest" about what normal men think about women and sex. Probably, they just want us to soften what we say. But we can't. So fuck them and fuck you too. The whole point of a podcast is to say whatever we think. Go make your own podcast. We're like Dead Poet's Society, except when we go in that little cave, instead of reading poetry to each other, we masturbate. To follow along with the videos discussed at the beginning of the episode: We get a lot of our questions from the Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week: