Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#111 Meet Louise - ANOTHER SUCCESS Story - EndoBoss® Style



Meet the lovely Louise from UK who for over 20 years suffered from endometriosis. As an owner of her own hairdressing salon and a top hairstylist, she worked tirelessly on her feet every day enduring a myriad of physical symptoms.  Then her husband ordered Louise the book ‘How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally’ and then she joined the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge to learn more about emotions and essential self-care and became our first placed Winner. Louise's dedication and commitment paid off as she was offered a coveted place in the EndoBoss® Academy. In the beginning, she had many symptoms usual to women with endometriosis; Bleeding 6-9 Days, Flooding, Blood Clots, Ovulation Pain (Day 14 +), Migraines, Lower Back Pain, Ovary Pain, Bladder Pressure, Pain on Urination, Night Sweats, Hot Flashes, Memory Problems, Poor Sleep, Chronic Fatigue, Weepiness, Depression, Lethargy, Bloating, Distended Stomach, Candida, Restless Itchy Legs, Chemical Sensitivities, OvarianCysts, Chocolate Cysts, Dragging Sen