Chaos And Creativity

How to Be Sick



You got the big job, you're gearing up for the day, and all of the sudden you feel a tickle in your throat. Next thing you know you have the full blown flu/cold/food poisoning. You can't control things like this but you can prepare for them. In this episode Kimi and Lou share some of their experiences in dealing with sickness during important jobs + their tips for getting through it.SHOW NOTES: Here are some tips from Kimi + Lou on how to keep your cool when you're not feeling so hot.From Lou:Don't eat spicy, raw, or other stomach challenging foods the night before traveling, or doing a gig.Don't get drunk the night before. Sleep is the best way to keep your mind sharp and maintain a cool disposition to manage the inevitable chaos that comes with every job.Speaking of sleep. If you do get sick on the job, get as much as you can. It's how the body fixes itself.Wash your hands often, there's no better transmitter of sickness than shaking hand then touching your nose or rubbing