Julius: Influencer Marketing Unleashed

EP 04: The Power Of People with Dr. Ayelet Boussi and Lina Renzina



Welcome back to the Julius Profiles Podcast, everybody! Today we are talking influencers, social media, and mental health and to help us in this pursuit we are joined by Lina Renzina of Ad Council and Ayelet Boussi from Cognitive Therapy for Women. The discussion covers the basics of the relationship between mental health and our current internet usage and the way we relate to the content on social platforms. We also look at mental wellbeing from the influencer’s perspective, considering the effect that this sort of career can have on a person’s mental state. We discuss the great impact that prominent figures can have in removing the stigma and creating relatable stories for their audience. Our guests offer us great insight from their contrasting points of departure, both personal and professional as we traverse the topics of Fyre Festival, wellness apps and breaks from social media. For this and a whole lot more, join us today!  Key Points From This Episode:•    Initial thoughts on the current influencer mar