
Ep. 1: On "Kill all Normies" and Anti-fascism today



On this episode, commentary on: (1) "The negative-sum internet" (Weekly Worker) Paul Demarty reviews: Angela Nagle, Kill all normies: the online culture wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the alt-right and Trump (Zero Books, 2017) http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1176/the-negative-sum-internet/ (2) Platypus Berkeley panel: "Antifascism in the Age of Trump" Description: Since the Nazi seizure of power eighty years ago, anti-fascism has been a component of left-wing politics. In response to the Trump presidency, the politics of anti-fascism, reminiscent of the Popular Front of the 1930s or the Black Bloc politics of the 1990s, have—once again—been resurrected by the Left. How is anti-fascism the same or different today? Why anti-fascism now? Speakers: Eugene Ruyle (CPUSA/DSA Member, runs Niebyl Proctor Marxist Library); Luma Nichol (Freedom Socialist Party, Communities Against Racism and Fascism); Victoria Fierce (DSA Member, East Bay for Everyone); Ramsey Kanaan (PM Press) Audio recording: https://archive.org/det