Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle 2.0

The Missing Piece to Your First Million | Tesla Talks Ep. 249



In this episode of “Y.E.L. 2.0”, your host Peter Voogd, serial Entrepreneur, Mentor, Speaker, Best-selling Author and Husband shares his views on having ‘Clarity’ on what one wants or what you feel like you're, you're capable of in terms of business, entrepreneurship or family. According to him you got to knock down barriers once you get your ideal outcomes. Episode Highlights:  Peter Voogd says that most people don't have clarity on what they want and where they're going. As per Peter, clarity comes not only from understanding who you are and what you want but also understanding what you're going to do to get what you want. He states that if you connect with the best people, you invest in the best masterminds or academies, you invest in your mind yourself and you continue to better your best. “I'm praying for you sharing anything I learned to continue to try to give you a roadmap to anything I've learned that has affected my mental state that's maybe helped me get some results.” Says Peter. 3 Key Points: