Never Ever Give Up Hope

How to Recognize the Signs a Child is Being Abused Sexually



Before five years old, predators came into Sean Wheller's life, using him for sexual purposes until he was nine.  By the time he was seven, Sean was used in child pornography for the next two years.  By nine years old he was drinking, smoking, and addicted to pornography.  When his family moved from the small Midwestern town he grew up in, the damage was done. But....God rescued him. Based on 15 years of previous studies, EcPat USA released a study in 2016 clearly showing that boys are as vulnerable to abuse as girls - YET....when they seek help they are often met with indifference. Wretch – Haunted by Shadows, Rescued by Jesus is the story of how Sean became a victim of child trafficking and how God led him to a counselor who would change his life forever. This was the beginning of Starfish Ministries Colorado, a 501c3 non-profit working in the fight against child trafficking to provide a voice for boys who are often left out of the conversation. Sean's story has been heard by over 3.5 million people world