Face Forward

83 | Internal Comms and leadership lessons from the military, with Vice Admr Mark Mellett & Sgt Rena Kennedy



Summary: The culture and structure of military service is completely unique, and yet on some levels there are commonalities with commercial organizations of any type. In this episode of Building Better Cultures, Scott welcomes two front-line officers whose experience shaping the Irish Defence Forces offers lessons applicable within any workplace environment. Vice Admr Mark Mellett, recently retired Chief of Staff, and Sgt Rena Kennedy, Head of Internal Communications, have devoted their careers to fostering excellence in leadership and pride throughout the ranks. Like all complicated institutions, the Irish Defence Forces has its own challenges with internal communications, diversity, accountability and effective leadership. Whether within a commercial enterprise or military line of duty, find out why the concept of Just Culture has an important role to play and how ego can undermine trust, pride and morale among IDF ranks – or among the ranks of enterprises of any other type. Many of the most innovative work