Raw As A Mother

Damn right, I’m good ENOUGH with TeeJay Dowe



From the age of just 4 years, TeeJay totally believed she was not good enough, was painfully shy, had no confidence & no self esteem. She understands first hand the devastating effect a belief like ‘not good enough’ can have on all of the decisions we make in life & settling for second best was second nature. Took a job instead of a career, bullied at work, single parent at 19, string of failed relationships, TeeJay found her escape by being emotionally numb & just got through each day. That is until Life intervened & gave her a wake-up call! In this episode, she shares her story and how it led her to founding Ignition! Coaching & Training Program. About TeeJay Dowe Inspiring you to find the best within yourselves in order to give the best of yourselves” TeeJay Dowe has a single mission, purpose & vision – To positively impact the lives of 10 million young people world-wide, through the Ignition! Coaching & Training Program Back on Track Teens is working to transform the lives of y