Raw As A Mother

"Fairytale" with Katie Wren



This is the incredible story of Katie overcoming life’s heavy punches. From designing her dream life to falling in love, her life was a perfect fairytale, outside looking in. Katie shares openly how her past experiences led her to a new life. One full of heartbreak and redemption found along her motherhood journey. About Katie Wren Katie Wren is a first time mom, wife and CEO to her own life/company. She balanced having a thriving business as well as taking care of family and enjoying life’s precious moments Katie's Gift Next few subscribers to Katie's blog will be in with the chance to win $300 of health products to take your health and body to the next level! Sign up here. Find Katie Online Website Facebook Profile Facebook Business Page Instagram About Raw As A Mother Interviews with Sarah Bode and mothers from around the world on the RAW, real, and unspoken truths of what it means to wear the badge MOM. Pull up a cozy chair with cup of coffee before the kids get up in the morning or a glass of wine and so