Raw As A Mother

"Noise" with Tatiana Amico



The noise of the world can overwhelm us. We can let it dictate our path. As women, mothers especially, we can allow societal pressures drastically change the course of our life. Tatiana shows up right out the gate in this fun and sexy episode. Join us today as we discuss postpartum intimate relationships, wanting more out of motherhood, and rediscovering all that we are! About Tatiana Tatiana Amico is a mom of 2 and Women's Empowerment Coach helping women become the highest versions of themselves. She's built a multiple 6 figure business working with women who want to feel vibrant, healthy and confident in their bodies and minds. She also helps women build businesses similar to hers. Tatiana's Gift Visit Tatiana's website to get her free no BS guide to getting healthy, happy & hot & living the life you deserve! Find Tatiana Online Website Podcast Instagram Facebook Pinterest About Raw As A Mother Interviews with Sarah Bode and mothers from around the world on the RAW, real, and unspoken truths of wha