Raw As A Mother

"Sweet As April" with Carrie Keefe



Join us for a celebration of Carrie’s motherhood journey! Owner of Sweet As April handmade bonnets opens up and shares the inner corners of her heart. From special needs diagnoses to creating a truly incredible business as a mom of two. Carrie speaks life into so many areas of motherhood where many of us are scared to go. Learning to feed her own soul through creative ventures and that her children are a true reflection of herself. These insights and moments of truth will brighten your day!   About Carrie Keefe I am a mother of two living in beautiful New England and soaking up every second of their childhood. I have a business with my husband making baby bonnets from upcycled materials. I truly love sharing our life with two special needs children and absolutely adore the IG community we’re so lucky to be a part of.   Find Carrie Online Instagram: @sweet_as_april Instagram: @its_april_again Instagram: @little_lady_leia Website: www.sweetasapril.com About Raw As A Mother Interviews with Sarah