Raw As A Mother

"Motherhood Captured" with Lauren Wright



Join us this week as we dive in to motherhood with Lauren Wright. Intimate motherhood photographer, wife, mother, and nature enthusiast. Lauren opens up and shares about how becoming a mother brought on isolation and how she overcomes. The energy and love that overflows from Lauren is just incredible. About Lauren Wright I am a Mother, a Wife and an Artist. I love each hat that I wear, equally. Each teaches me something new every day, and what I learn, I bring into my work. I value authenticity, honesty, empathy and connection, and I try to live my life and run my business by these values. I was given the gift of a child. To me, being a mother is the most beautiful and rewarding responsibility I have, and probably will ever experience. I have never had someone in my life that surpasses everything else, and that is quite a profound feeling for me. Since the day I found out I was going to be a mother, my mindset about my life and my purpose shifted. I didn’t know at first it was happening, and I just felt confu