Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#160: Breaking into New Markets with Guest Autumn Witt Boyd



We all need to hear a success story sometimes to feel inspired, and this story might just be the one for you. Hustle & Flow guest, Autumn Witt Boyd, started out in a traditional lawyer path, but once she started a family, she decided it was time to explore a different career path. After taking a deep-dive into her career and what brought her the most happiness, Autumn decided to start her own law firm designed specifically for online businesses. Listen as Autumn shares her path to success and the many road bumps she navigated along the way. Things we’re covering in this episode: - How to hit goals to earn high-end clients - Making decisions related to the creative side of business - Diversification of the work that Autumn provides to her clients - Running a successful business and raising children - Managing a virtual team - Interested in contacting Autumn? You can get more information on her law firm’s website: . Listen to her podcast, Legal Road Map. Get It Done Membership If you enjoyed