Echo Valley: The Original Bubblegum Music Podcast

EV74 (S3E14) A Simple Song



Who wants some bubblegum? A spotlight on Tony Ronald, the Dutch (or Spanish or Mexican) pop star! Another dramatic reading from another 1970 novelization of another short lived "relevant" ABC TV show about another group of hip young people! A pair of rare Echo Valley corrections! A New Seekers Double Bubble! Every bubblegum song about airplanes (both of them)! With plenty of bubblegum music by the Banana Splits, The Muppets, The Beach Boys,  Johnny Whitaker, The Sugar Bears, Wind (with Tony Orlando), The Cuff Links, The Royal Guardsmen, Chester, Peter's Pipers, Billy Budd, The French Revolution,  New Colony Six, New Dream, and The New Vaudeville Band!