Echo Valley: The Original Bubblegum Music Podcast

EV118 (S5E18) Waldo P. Emerson Jones



Can an obscure Archies song tell us all we need to know to fill an hour with great bubblegum music? Kid Bubblegum seems to think so, but Professor Bubblegum has his doubts. Along the way, we get a dramatic reading of a Kaptain Kool and the Kongs comic book, rediscover the Hudson Brothers and their friend Chucky Margolis, learn that Paul Simon wrote a classic proto-bubblegum hit, search fruitlessly for a Jimmy Page-bubblegum connection, and, unexpectedly, the whole hour becomes about Rick Springfield for some reason. Enjoy plenty of great bubblegum pop from The Archies, The Rubettes, Shadows of Knight, Rock Hudson and Bea Arthur, Simon and Garfunkel, Picketywitch, Johnny Farnum, Vince Guaraldi, Status Quo, Neil Christian, and Everybody Was in the French Resistence...Now!