Waking Up With Sam Harris - Subscriber Content

#262 - The Future of American Democracy



In this episode of the podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Andrew Yang about the state of American democracy. They discuss Andrew’s run for the Presidency, the humiliations of campaigning, the manipulation of politics by the media, Andrew’s run for the mayor’s office in NYC, the power of bad incentives, open primaries, rank-choice voting, the Forward Party, the weakness of a two-party system, inequality, the child tax credit, enhanced unemployment, UBI, worries about inflation, and other topics. Andrew Yang was a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and a 2021 candidate for mayor of New York City and also recently ran as a democratic candidate in the 2020 Presidential primary election. Named by President Obama as a Presidential Ambassador of Global Entrepreneurship, he is the founder of Humanity Forward and Venture for America. Yang’s New York Times bestselling book The War on Normal People: The Truth About America’s Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future helped introduce the