First Church Charlotte

Facing Giants



August 4, 2019, | Pastor Nathan Elms • Ministry is not from the platform of a church, but instead the church is the ministers for their communities. • Part of our job is to see God's people as God sees them and not only as we see ourselves. • When God sees us, He sees His blood covering us. The moment that we see our church brothers and sisters as God sees us, that is the time that we can encourage and help each other. • There is a victory for you that the enemy, (devil) doesn't want you to have and there are times that the enemy wants to take what you have already accomplished. • Goliath is an example of how we are intimidated by fear and illusion and sometimes defeated by our own expectations of what we can or can't do. Giants will always poster for you. • If you want to know what God can do, get your eyes off of what you can do and get your eyes on what God has already done. Don't worry about the giants in your life; which is done by keeping your focus on how much bigger God is. • The problem of giants is