First Church Charlotte

Whose Side Are You On?



Nov 3, 2019, | Pastor Nathan Elms We live in an era of intense political, social, and ethnic division… Hate begets hate… Shame begets shame… Anger begets anger… We have more in common than we do apart… “Drawing identity from any area other than the source of life is a spiritual death sentence, and worse, it's contagious, because it gives birth to tribalism. However, when we return to our central identity of image-bearers designed to receive love from and reflect love to others, we are naturally invited to shed all of the unloving, fear-based tribal behaviors that come from loyalty to the label.” ― Benjamin L. Corey, Unafraid: Moving Beyond Fear-Based Faith In the face of diversity, some find a reason for fear and insecurity and even hostility. Diversity has led to division: political, racial, gender, cultural and economic division. There has always been some of this, but now it seems to be more prevalent. Does God have anything to say about this? The church is what God has to say. The Church is c