Life/death/law Podcast

DIY Estate Planning for the Pandemic



  If you are stuck at home and without basic legal documents, listen up. In the spirit of offering what I can to help people gain some piece of mind amidst the panic and uncertainty of the pandemic, here are some resources that you can use to get the basics in order, for now. Although none of the documents I’m discussing take the place of a comprehensive estate plan, they are all good things to have. And most of them are documents that you can put in place with minimal or no expense as long as you have access to the internet, a printer, and some cooperative neighbors willing to stay six feet away while you sign them. Once you do sign them, place them in a safe place, let your loved ones know where to find them in case you do get sick, and then, please, go out and take a walk. Advance Health Care Directives An Advance Health Care Directive, also known as a Health Care Proxy or Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care  and Living Will in some states, appoints people to act as your Agents to make medical decis