The Embodied Way Podcast

Embodied Sensitivity As Intelligence, with Philip Shepherd



Host Stefana Serafina speaks to Canadian author and teacher Philip Shepherd about sensitivity as intelligence, being in the world through our bodies,  and  why we can’t live intelligently without returning to our body’s capacity for deep knowing and presence. Philip Shepherd is an international expert on embodiment, and is the author of  New Self, New World: Recovering our Senses in the Twenty-first Century. He teaches his unique embodiment techniques around the world through his Embodied Present Process,  a method for returning to wholeness by healing the frantic, restless intelligence in the head and uniting it with the deep, calm intelligence of the body. This Episode’s Wisdom Quote: “All of the body’s sensations are forms of thinking. And there is this wound in our culture: We’ve divided our thinking from our being, with the mistaken believe that we can think better with a part of ourselves than we can with the whole of our being present. So that wound deprives us our thinking of the body’s sensitivity-