Tell Me Stories Podcast With Paula Allen

EP 21: Madison Galloway & Joni Nehrita Backstage Ice Jam Music Festival



Ice Jam is the winter music festival brought to you by the lovely Riverfest group who produce the summer festival my first three episodes were taped at. They know their music, they know how to put a great show together and they let THIS little podcaster backstage to capture it all! Episode ONE: Madison Galloway is a local performer and was the opening act. Read all about this little musical wonder at and enjoy her telling a story about lost passports and the hilarity that ensues when putting a band together at the last possible moment. Joni NehRita was born in Toronto and now lives in Guelph and GIRL CAN SING man, like woah. Read all about her here: and hear here on the podcast telling me about what it was like growing up Jamaican-Canadian in Toronto and making the move to smaller city life :) Support Tell Me Stories Additional music provided by