Tell Me Stories Podcast With Paula Allen

Episode 25: You Again Web Series Podcast



A geek, a hot mess, and a goldfish named Duck. The new web series “You Again” follows the toxic & hilarious relationship between recent exes, but now roommates, Audra (Andrea Kile Peterson) and Zander (Zachari Michael Reynolds). Yep, this junk just got real. Real real. Audra, is a dark alluring hot mess, free spirited & attractive, but what would a character be without baggage? She can’t hold a job, or a relationship & has questionable food cravings. Zander is a gaming geek, with boy-next-door good looks, who’d rather spend his evenings showcasing his avatar manliness via virtual sword play, but unfortunately he fails to conquer the real world as triumphantly. Now they have joint custody of a helpless goldfish. --   Support the Tell Me Stories Podcast