Tell Me Stories Podcast With Paula Allen

EP 38: Adam & Eve Web Series



Davey & Bianca Morrison Dillard are the creative forces behind a new web series I have recently become obsessed with: Adam & Eve.  Davey stars in the show w/ Becca Morales as Adam and Eve, a new take on a biblical classic that even non-believers like me enjoy. The writing and directing are incredibly well crafted, which has not gone unnoticed. Among the independent film awards this group has garnered high accolades and its just the beginning. This kind of film making goes far beyond the subject matter, the character studies are subtly brilliant and the slow-burn we are all falling into these days w/ the Netflix binge genre (anyone for a 7.5 hour movie? YES, as it turns out) means shows like this will continue to be made and we are all the happier for it.  Thank you Davey and Bianca for the incredible interview, and for sharing some of what its takes to produce a show of this quality. I'm already a big fan.  Support Tell Me Stories