Teen Esteem Council Podcast

Senior Year and Senioritis



Jessica and Aubin are back with us and they want to talk about Senior Year and Senioritis. Congratulations to both of them for getting accepted in to college. It does not seem that long ago that Jessica was in studio with us talking about the beginning of the school year. Now the year is more than half over and many seniors begin suffering from symptoms of Senioritis. Jessica and Aubin give us some ideas of how to avoid senioritis. We also talk about something that happens to young persons when they turn 18. This malady is called Adultitis. This is where a young human becomes legally independent from their parents. Some kids take their new freedom too far. In this podcast we talk about how to handle Adultitis. Thanks again for all of the support. We almost doubled our downloads in February and we are looking forward to an amazing March. Don't forget that you can buy our book Dropping Him, Finding Me at www.xlibris.com