Teen Esteem Council Podcast

You Are Probably Not Double Agent, But Are You Living A Double Life



Are you living a double life? Do you act differently around your family than you do when you are around your friends? How do you act when you hang out with different groups of friends? Are you the same no matter who you are with? Today's podcast discusses why it is important to be congruent in your life. Living a congruent life means that you know who you are and that you are the same person no matter who you are with. It is exhausting to act one way when you are with certain people, but then act completely different when you change your social group. Each of you have incredible talents and abilities. Put your energy into finding out who YOU are. What are you passionate about? What do you love to do? What goals do you have for yourself? These are some questions that can help you in your effort to find out who you really are. All of these ideas are in today's podcast and there is much more...