Second Chances

Cara Lunsford's Second Chance



Cara Lunsford began her nurse career in pediatric oncology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 2008. She first discovered an interest in oncology when she worked as a sign language interpreter at Cal State Northridge, interpreting the Biology of Cancer class two semesters in a row. It was that class that put her on her path to become a nurse. As a nurse she witnessed, and experienced first hand, the level of burnout that was happening in the profession. She worked with her co-workers to create the first Supportive Care Committee aimed at providing a safe and supportive place for caregivers to cope with the stress of their job. Life eventually took Cara into a variety of other nurse professions, including home health, infusion nursing, hospice, private duty and a Director of Nursing role at a concierge home health in Los Angeles. With a wide variety of experience under her belt, she noticed that there were many pain points in the industry; nurses were in need of a supportive community and companies needed he