Hello, Creeps!

Hello, Creeps! Episode 89: WWJD?



Come experience a real diversity of topics this week, as the Creeps explore the wonderful revelation of ancestry through DNA testing, the concept of immortality, African mysticism, and discuss the possibilities and social ramifications of time travel.  Nah, jk. We talk about Coral' and Fre's 23 and Me results and probably make a ton of inappropriate comments, a bunch of witches being burned in Africa; we discuss immortality, but not without making at least one Lazarus Pit comment, and the possibility that the 56th President of the United States was born at the end of 2018 and revealed by a time traveler from the future. I could have left it at the first paragraph, but then we definitely wouldn't have been real 1s. We would have been fake 1s and that that shit is not okay.