Lawyers Gone Ethical

5 Areas Where Lawyers Make Ethical Mistakes (Without Even Knowing It!) With Erin Gerstenzang [LGE 002]



Show Notes Is that contact form on your website compliant with the ethical rules? How should you handle negative online reviews by clients? The ethics rules can be complicated and often times, lawyers just don’t know that they’re violating them. In this episode, I’m joined by Atlanta criminal defense attorney and legal ethics enthusiast, Erin Gerstenzang. We are talking about five specific areas that can be danger zones for solos and small firms when it comes to the ethics rules. What We Discuss in This Episode: Can you rely on marketing experts when they’re not familiar with the ethical rules? How can you use Contact Forms on your website appropriately, especially if your marketing company is tracking submitted data  What is the level of competency the ABA requires regarding use of technology  When it comes to negative online reviews, how and when should you respond? How can you best use positive online reviews? What can lawyers learn from Disney when it comes to customer service Can you talk freely about y