Lawyers Gone Ethical

How to Submit a Moral Character Application That Isn't Squeaky Clean [LGE 005]



The moral character application might seem like it’s only something law students need to worry about but if you’re a lawyer who’s looking to be admitted in other jurisdictions, then you’ll certainly want to pay attention. This is especially true if you happen to have a few blemishes in your past that you need to disclose in your application.  In this episode, I offer my tips on how to approach filling out the moral character application that isn't squeaky clean.  What I Cover in This Episode: Should you disclose any past blemishes on your moral character application, even if they’re tiny incidents that happened a long time ago? When you do disclose unfavorable incidents, what’s the best way to address them? What types of incidents are considered dishonest and thus require disclosure? Why honesty with the bar is far more important than your past indiscretions What to do if you can’t fit your explanation on the actual application Why finding respected professionals, like judges, other lawyers, even doctors and