Josie And The Podcast

Lesley D'Souza // Secret Sauce of Storytelling, Higher Ed in Canada, #RyersonSA & Empathic Assessment



What are the core components of a compelling story? What examples in student affairs can we look to for engaging storytelling practices using data and assessment? Look no further than Lesley D’Souza and Ryerson Student Affairs in Toronto, Canada. This self-proclaimed assessment nerd has built a division-wide assessment cycle at Ryerson that fuels the Storytelling team she managers found at and #RyersonSA. Lesley shares the ingredients to a good story, which features students, emotions, and data – composed to build community, recruit higher quality students/staff/faculty and even advocate for more resources from campus decision makers. We also talk about the Twitter chat #SAcdn that Lesley manages, which aims to build a functional networked community of Canadian student affairs professionals.