Josie And The Podcast

James Robilotta // Tripping with Swag, Airplane Friends, Social Media Mountains & Re-Writing the Stories We Tell Ourselves



Previous student affairs educator/pot stirrer turned professional seed planter/leadership speaker and personal coach – James Robilotta packs up a punch on the podcast today. Literally. James warns he’ll get you laughing and then punch you in the feels. Yes, feelings, the real ones. Questions about your life that will make your head spin, while uncontrollably giggling. He also calls out the constant comparison we hold ourselves to on social media - as we climb our own mountain of success. He’ll either change the way your approach meeting people on airplanes or pray you never meet him on one. All these acts are because James believes in the power of our stories – even the imperfect parts. He’ll share his own insecurities and lead you through his flaws, as he did in his book Leading Imperfectly. Because your story is good enough.