Muni Diaries

Ep. 47: Broke-Ass Stuart learns his SF ABC's



Who gave you your first "San Francisco education"? In this episode, Broke-Ass Stuart shares the story of living in a house on Golden Gate where his housemates were artist, thinkers, and some of Burning Man's original participants. You might know Broke-Ass Stuart from, where he lists cool things to do if you don't have a lot of money. He is also a travel writer, TV host, a poet. He has a column in the San Francisco Examiner called “Broke-Ass City,” and he ran for mayor a few years back. Check out Stuart's Patreon page where you can support his site and podcast. Stuart tells us that he actually went to Burning Man for the first time after his housemate P gave him her ticket. Go to to see a picture of Stuart at his first burn. So, what is YOUR defining San Francisco moment? If you're inspired by Stuart's story, please share this podcast with your friends and share your own story by emailing us at