Muni Diaries

Ep. 71: Irene McCalphin on taking up space on public transit



Storyteller Irene McCalphin has often experienced the invasion of personal space on public transit, but this one time she decided enough was enough, and she was going to take up the space she deserves. As co-founder and massage therapist of A Sovereign Embodiment Healing Collective and Board-member of the Body Political, Irene blends magic with massage, storytelling and performance art to liberate, heal and reclaim space for marginalized community.  They’re currently working on a book and facilitating the creation a healing and retreat space for queer femmes in Grass Valley, CA. You can find her writing on You can also see Irene's first Muni Diaries entry involving a burrito as deterrent for pickup artists. Got your own Muni or San Francisco story to contribute? Email us at! And remember to subscribe to this podcast so you don't miss an episode!