Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro

I Made A Lot Of Money... Now What?



When my service business started to grow, I thought “this is it: I’m going to make good money from here on out.” Then something happened: I made some money and then hit a plateau. Then I made more money and hit another plateau. I learned that business growth isn’t a straight line. But what else I learned shocked me... Key Lessons Learned: Business Growth We start out with the delusion that the knowledge and skills we have today will be what we need to grow and scale our business tomorrow. Most people start out with the goal of a million dollars in business revenue, thinking that at that point the business will be able to keep it up and they can take a 10% salary. A million dollars is a mental milestone, it can take some people 1 year and others up to 20 years. To get from 1 million to 5 million in revenue, a lot of the things you do today will not be acceptable in the future and you may not make it. Chaos in your business will pull you down, a lack of processes, software, or culture will hold your business g