Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro

Maximum Profit Direct Marketing



Brian Kaskavalciyan joins Mike Agugliaro to talk about maximizing your profits in your service business using direct marketing. Find out how to keep your customers happy, get them to buy more often, increase the dollar value of every sale, and double your income in record time. Key Lessons Learned: Direct Marketing The service business is relatively simple to market, the customer has a problem now and they need a solution now. Marketing your business is essentially about creating customers, keeping customers, and multiplying customers. To be an effective marketer of plumbing/HVAC solutions you need to be where your customers are looking for a solution, provide them a customer experience that they will love, and do everything you can to nurture and protect that customer. Your competition wants your customers, which is why you have to protect them fiercely. There are four ways to increase your sales and profits: get new customers, increase the average transaction value of each sale, get your customers to buy m