Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro

Recruit Like A Master



Learn how to recruit like a master. Discover recruiting strategies you can use to find productive new employees from day 1, onboard new employees with automated processes that gets them on the job on day one! See how you can understand if employees are performing and if they need improvement while keeping everyone productive. Learn how developing your staff improves employee morale, increases retention and produces productive teams and more.   Key Lessons Learned: Recruiting The Best People The right person, doing the right things, in the right place, with the right culture and the right systems makes it easy to run a growing business. You are either training your employees and your customers, or they are training you. It’s easy to find great people, it takes energy and effort to maintain great people. If you keep hiring great people and they keep leaving, hiring isn’t your problem. You have to solve the problem first. The first step to solving anything is clarity. Do your employees feel driven to succeed li