Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro

Here's What NO ONE Is Telling You About Your Website!



Find out how to use a strategy called "heat-mapping" to squeeze more leads from your website traffic (no one is doing this but you'll hear from someone who has perfected it!) Hear the top tips and tricks to convert more of your site traffic into paying customers - you'll be able to IMMEDIATELY implement these to get more customers right away. PLUS... the latest strategies, tactics and cutting-edge info about mobile-friendly sites, site speed and more. Master the low-hanging fruit that is easy to fix but is costing you business.   Key Lessons Learned: Website Strategy People think websites are one and done jobs, but they are an ongoing optimization process. Websites are an investment, it drives a lot of your business today. It’s your digital storefront and it’s often someone’s first impression of your business. A website is one of the best marketing tools for your business that you can have. Pick the top one to three objectives you want your website strategy to serve and then look through your home page and e