Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro

The Trifecta Of Growing a Business



Learn about the three primary components of growing a business and how you can use them to explode your service business. Discover the real reason you are in business and why you are thinking about sales all wrong. Find out what it means to really lead from the front, and how get your team on board with your vision for the future.   Key Lessons Learned: Managing Risk Ask yourself what could go wrong. It’s possible for your creative idea to cost you a million dollars if you don’t think about the risks involved. You have to do your due diligence with everything you try in your business. The bigger you get, the more you have to lose. If you’re going to be a coach in this world, make sure you have the success and the scars to share, then take on the ethical responsibility and know that you are playing with someone’s life. Business and life is not easy, it takes honest work and plenty of effort to achieve anything worthwhile. Growing a Business There are three components to growing a business: marketing, sales,