Ceo Warrior Podcast With Mike Agugliaro

There's A Really Big Problem Out There



Summary: Mike Agugliaro takes a break to share some crucial relationship training for business owners. If you want your employees and team members to stick around for the long term and give you their best work, you have to be able to understand what they need, want, and desire from you. Learn how to avoid conflict and creating lasting relationships by having one simple conversation with your employees right now.   Key Lessons Learned: Relationship Problems When we look at our employees there is always questions and relationship problems. Why are they not happy? Why do they feel let down? In all your relationships, including with your employees, there are needs. Everyone has needs, some are simple, like food, water, and air, but some are more complex and unique to the individual. Needs are the first level of wants. Understanding what someone needs can allow you to create alignment with them so that you can also get what you need. Wants are the second level. We want more money, new clothes, a new car, opportu