National Committee On United States-china Relations

Adm. Dennis Blair | Navigating China’s Technological Rise: Charting a Course from Competition to Collaboration



As the impact of technology gains increasing strategic importance in the U.S.-China relationship, we launched Navigating China's Technological Rise, a series of virtual programs featuring conversations with leading experts on the critical issues and policies affecting the technology industry and its impact on Sino-American ties. Former National Intelligence Director and Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Command Admiral Dennis Blair was the featured speaker for the first event in the series, “Charting a Course from Competition to Collaboration,” on April 23, 2020. Admiral Blair, also a National Committee director, discussed the rise of China's technological capabilities, the related strategic challenges, and how a U.S. approach can best balance regulation and collaboration. The discussion and Q&A was moderated by NCUSCR President Stephen Orlins.