Motivated To Marry Podcast With Amy Schoen

002 Am I too Old for Marriage? Lisa Copeland



Lisa Copeland, is the Dating Coach who makes finding a Great Guy fun and easier after 50. Her book, The Winning Dating Formula for Women Over 50 is an Amazon Best Seller in its category. She’s also a regular blogger for the Huffington Post and McClatchey Tribune Online and Offline Newspapers. She has helped women in over 30 countries with finding love again after 50. When Lisa came out of her second divorce, no one handed her a Rule Book for Dating with her divorce papers. She made a ton of mistakes and had a hard time meeting the right types of men. After her second divorce, she looked for a dating coach but the only ones out there were in their 20’s and 30’s. They were her kid’s age. She trusted her kid’s advice on clothing but not dating at this age. That’s when she started figuring dating out on her own determined to make dating after 50 a lot easier and more fun than it had been in her 40’s. With a ton of research and a lot of dates, she finally figured dating after 50 out! Her friends wondered why she h