Motivated To Marry Podcast With Amy Schoen

010: 5 Tips to turn on your most Juicy self for attracting your Marriage Mate - Stacey Murphy



Attracting your Marriage Mate Stacey Murphy is the Queen of Feminine Charm & Juicy Love and an International Best Selling Author. She’s the founder of Blissful Lotus School of Loving Arts and the Queen B Charm School. Stacey helps women to embrace their womanly charms and attract juicy love by teaching women to reclaim their sensual joy, seductive essence and self-confidence which finally allows them to leave toxic love patterns behind so they can feel empowered, desirable and happy with who they are in their love and sex life! She developed the “Rockin’ Seduction Goddess” Signature System where women learn how to love themselves, how to attract their ideal relationship and master their erotic skills to BLOW his mind.