Rising Stories

Rising Stories #73 Kristin Schell : The Turquoise Table



Do you love your neighbors? Do you want to connect with them? If so, would you sit outside on your front yard and wait for one of them to join you? My guest today on Episode #73 did just that. She is the author of The Turquoise Table. Kristin Schell shares her story about how she put a turquoise picnic table out on her front yard and waited for people to show up. Kristin is a blogger, a mom of 4 and now she is an author of a book that is impacting lives all across the country. They call themselves Front Yard people. Listen as Kristin takes us from the beginnings of this project to now helping people find community and connection in their own front yards.  I want to make sure you stay tuned to the end to hear about a special offer from Kristin. Kristin is from Austin so of course, I asked her about her favorite places to eat listen. Check out what she recommends.   Things She is Loving:  1. Back to School and Getting Organized  2. Homemade Granola 3. All in All journal by Sophie Hudson Tiny Boxwoods, Austin,